Thursday, November 5, 2020

quick post about how Katana Zero is good.

My good buddy bought me Katana Zero to play recently, and it rules. It rules hard. It's like all the things I liked about Hotline Miami but with a better aesthetic and more quality of life. It's a pulse-pounding techno-samurai simulator where you can deflect bullets and slow down time, and the frame narrative is cool as shit. Good game. Didn't love it.

Didn't love it almost entirely because I want MORE. Katana Zero is a game that could be INCREDIBLE, it just isn't there yet for me. Some of the mechanics were frustrating, and while the cast of characters, story, world, themes, etc all rule but there's just not enough. Some games do a ton with less, of course. Space Funeral is a perfect length. Katana Zero isn't.

So, I'm giving it a tentative 7. A tentative 7 entirely because it feels like the first four episodes to a twelve episode anime (lol.) So, when the dlc comes out that is longer than the base game, this score will go up. But until I get to spend more time with Zero, Fifteen, Snow, V, etc, it's gonna be there. But god do I want more. 

If you haven't played it though, do so. It's short as hell, I did it in two short sittings but you could easily do it in one.